Becoming aware of patterns, gaining new insights and personal development, are the key elements of my coaching approach. Your own experiences, behavior and feelings are points of departure. By using cases from your work, we can explore what motivates you and what the effects of your (limiting) beliefs are. In this way you obtain a better perspective on your own norms and values, as well as pitfalls and preoccupations which may reduce your performance; but also discover what your strengths are, what works for you, and what doesn’t!

With these insights as a starting point, we will work on alternative strategies, that you can apply at your work. In the coaching we will reflect on how effective your actions are and how you can improve them. You can increase your ability to be more adaptive and effective in different situations which will allow you to improve your performance and be more relaxed at the same time.

Below are some examples of coaching questions, for which you can contact me.

Personal development

Some people seem to glide through their jobs effortlessly: how do they manage? How can you accomplish more, with less effort and stress? Improve your skills in communication, understand how you can use your influence, and increase your teamwork capabilities.

Leadership and management

What defines a good leader or manager? The answer to this key question differs from one person to the next! In order to discover 'your answer' to this question, my experience as a manager of teams ranging from 15 to 40 people within KPN and TNO makes me your ideal sparring partner with a fresh perspective and professional independence.

Work - Life Balance

Some days the toughest jobs are the most fun and working really long days can be very rewarding. While on other days, when you have lost the balance between working hard and relaxing, even the smallest tasks can feel impossible. What are your causes of stress? Which factors are stressful for you? How do you recognize them and what can you do about them? Let’s find out what works for you and how you can regain the balance and fun in your work.

Career Development

At this moment there may not be much to be concerned about, but when you look ahead, you start to feel uneasy: Will this still be the right job for me in the near future? What might be a fitting next career step for me? Or how should I face the upcoming reorganization? The best time to think about these questions is before the last straw breaks the camel’s back. By gaining insight in your skills and experience and exploring your options, you can face these challenges with confidence.